Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Further progress on the galley

A bit of a rise in temperature last week enabled me to get a couple of coats of paint in the lockers behind the cooker and the backs of the front panels. Once it was dry I decided that bit would be a good idea to reseal both of the port side chain plates before assembling the lockers which once done would make them a bit more awkward to get at, no photographs I am afraid but it was all simple straightforward stuff, remove the deck plates. remove the bolts securing the chain plates to the bulkheads, clean up, generously anoint with Sikaflex then replace the bolts and tighten down the deck plates until the Sikaflex was nicely squeezed out all round then leave to cure. Once cured give the deck plates a final tighten up.

Today I assembled the doors into the front panels and fitted them in place eventually the locker fronts will be finished with varnished timber trim to match the panel above the chart table, see photograph in the post of 20/01/2017, but that will have to wait for some warmer weather its much too cold for varnishing at the moment.

Locker front panels

I have also installed the concealed light fitting above the front panel and connected to the bus bar within the locker.

Concealed LED strip light

Over the weekend I cut out the tee shaped slots in the front of the lower crockery stowage locker I hope that I can now find crockery that will fit. I am still thinking about the interior of the locker as it will require a means of restraining the crockery from sliding about, the thought at the moment is to have some vertical dowels secured into a board to suit the diameter of the plates etc.

Crockery stowage

As can be seen this locker still requires painting once the weather becomes a bit more conducive to the task, the upper section and the shelf is in hand. Also as can be seen the top of the GRP galley moulding is anything but flat so it looks as though I will have to fit some bracing underneath to try and straighten it up before fitting the worktop which should arrive on Monday B&Q permitting.

I have also made a start on the front panel for the locker behind the washbasin in the heads this has been recycled from the forward cabin locker front panel which the previous owner had fabricated unfortunately it had succumbed to the rainwater which had been leaking in through the holes for the deck fittings when I removed it to bolt up the toe rail I found that the bottom four inches or so of the plywood had rotted away. Fortunately all was not lost in fact I also recovered some of the laminate which once it had been cleaned up and the old adhesive removed was used for the locker front panels behind the cooker. As can be seen the openings for the doors still need to be enlarged the round holes are for the corners and indicate the extent of the openings and also the timber to take the door runners needs to be fitted. 

Heads locker

Further progress in this area is again going to depend on an improvement in the weather to allow the painting to be carried out.

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