Friday, 10 March 2017

Internal doors 2

After cutting out the infill pieces for the forward doorway I temporarily screwed it in place to check the fit and when satisfied I mixed up some epoxy and primed the mating surfaces a coat of straight epoxy and then applied some epoxy thickened to a peanut butter consistency with colloidal silica and screwed both pieces in place.

Forward doorway infill pieces

Forward doorway infill trial fit

Forward doorway infill screwed and glued in place

Forward infill showing screws

Once the forward doorway had been dealt with I turned my attention to the aft doorway this was carried out in the same way as the forward doorway except as the bulkhead is thicker I used some off cuts of 18mm ply.

Aft door set up for marking the infill pieces

As for the forward doorway the aft infill pieces were cut out with the jig saw and then temporarily screwed into place to check the fit when I was satisfied with the fit I applied the epoxy and screwed them into place.

Aft doorway infill pieces in place

I have allowed for an 18mm thick frame for the curved top of the doorway these will probably be laminated the side frames will be made to suit the individual doorways they are both a different width as are the doors. The side frames will be made from solid timber planed to fit. I still have to glass in the infill pieces to make them as strong as possible and once this has been done I shall cut and glue in some laminate trim pieces to tidy up the doorways hopefully I should have sufficient left. 

The rest of the week was spent progressing the wine locker and the heads locker I have made the shelf for the heads locker and the bottle retainer for the wine locker the holes for the bottles will be cut out as my homework job for this weekend.

Heads locker shelf

Bottle retainer

I have also completed the joinery for securing the locker front panels and the shelves in both of these lockers the next step will be to paint and varnish the various parts.


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