Friday, 19 May 2017

Another piece of the puzzle

Most of the starboard side of the saloon is an open shelf which as far as I can make out had another shelf about halfway up.The forward end bulkhead carries the chain plate for the starboard lower shroud. I have been thinking about this area for some time and have decided for the time being to just line it out with some of the van lining carpet to tidy up the area and make up a timber cover to fit over the chain plate bolts.

Starboard lower shroud chain plate bolts

While searching in amongst the pile of bits in the aft cabin I came across this which is the original cover trim for the bolts the photograph below shows it after I had sanded and varnished it the notch I assume is for the original shelf.

Cover trim for chain plate bolts

After applying some carpet and fixing the cover trim it now looks like this.

The rest of the week has been spent lining out the heads locker and the galley crockery stowage with more of the ubiquitous van lining carpet which has then allowed me to secure the front panels once this had been done I could get on with fitting some of the timber trim which I had varnished last weekend the fiddle rails to the galley and heads worktops have also been fitted I used some self tapping screws into the edge of the solid laminate backed up with some PU40 adhesive sealant to keep out any water which may be splashed onto the worktop. I still have not decided on doors for the under sink locker I have been looking for something in solid wood off the shelf and at a reasonable price but at the moment all that I can find to match the criteria are louvre doors unfortunately the available sizes don't seem to match the openings I am looking for three pairs of doors so that I can do the aft cabin and the heads lockers as well.

After dismantling the old cockpit bench gratings I had some 'L' section teak sufficient to trim the lower edges of the laminate on the aft saloon bulkhead this was cleaned up, cut to length and varnished. The remains of the rebates for the original hinges on one of the pieces can just be seen in photograph below I have left it as a link to the original use of the timber, I know very arty farty or even trendy if you like it will be semi hidden along the lower edge of the piece.

View showing hinge rebates

Port side aft bulkhead

Starboard side aft bulkhead

I have just about run out of the teak from the old gratings I have just enough to finish off round the engine panel and the new wine locker. However there is still some teak trim in the pile in the aft cabin some of which was I believe cover strip which was fitted to conceal the joints in original laminate lining on the heads bulkheads I aim to recycle, or is it upcycle these days, to provide trim for the heads lockers.


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