Friday, 15 December 2017

Aft cabin

I have had a distraction or two this week but I have managed to move the aft cabin refit along a bit further I finished with the internal moulding on the port side by removing all the old paint from the bottom of the port side lockers. Once this was complete I had a sort through the pile of timber which had been dumped down here most of it in case it comes in useful some of it was not worth keeping so has been dumped the rest moved over to the port side so that I could make a start on the starboard side the internal moulding was cleaned up and any paint removed before giving it a going over with some wet and dry paper which has cleaned it all up quite nicely. Next I went for a trial fit of the aft locker front panel as with the port side it proved to be a tight fit.

Starboard side panel trial fit

Moulding after clean up

Aft cabin

There are a couple of persistent little rainwater leaks from the bolts securing the toe rail which will have to be addressed before anything else is done and the two forward panels require the timber trim around the door openings to be varnished which will be this weekends homework project.

I have been having a rethink on the forward cabin lockers as previously posted the front panels are a really poor fit and I was going to make new ones however after looking at various brokers photographs of Moody 33 yachts for sale it would appear that on the later mark 1 and the mark 2 boats the locker front panels do not come all the way down to the internal moulding they stop short by approximately 10 to 12 inches. Now as there was originally an internal shelf which left an odd shaped void space between the underside of the shelf and the internal moulding which was of no use to man nor beast and leaving out the shelf wouldn't improve the situation. I have therefore decided to follow the later design which means I can trim up the original panels to suit, this will save at least one new sheet of plywood. To this end I trimmed the top edges of the panels so that they were all level and then cut the required amount from the bottom edge this had the added advantage of removing some minor damage to the lower corners. There are no pictures I am afraid but there are pictures of the panels showing the poor fit on an earlier post. I intend to paint these panels white as for the aft cabin and then add some varnished timber trim, painting will be the next homework project after the aft cabin panels are complete.

That about wraps up this weeks efforts next week will be a short working week I expect due to Christmas so it remains for me to say bah humbug to all my readers.

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