Friday, 23 February 2018

Head lining

With the inclement weather again this week I have been making further progress with the head lining the first job was to complete the plywood panels I had enough contact adhesive to finish the panel for the aft cabin behind the companionway originally there was no lining panel in the centre as there was an enclosure for the original exhaust water lock the reasons for the replacement of which I have already covered in a previous post. I find that various brokerage sites are useful for photographs of the original fit out a particularly useful one has been an outfit called Yachtgrot which has a video of a Moody 33 mk1 for sale on Youtube this gives a good scan of the interior of the boat either go to Youtube and search Moody 33 it will come up on a list of videos or use this link

Headlining under the companionway

The two stainless steel rings are lashing points for the berth lee cloths I spent some time cleaning up the original lee cloths these are PVC type material they still have some rust stains on them which I will attempt to remove with oxallic acid. It was at this point that I had used the last of my stock of spray contact adhesive I had ordered further supplies from Harrisons Trim Supplies on Monday evening dispatched on Tuesday and delivered on Wednesday which is pretty good service.

I spent today covering the panels that fit under the side decks in the forward cabin and then fitting them in place

Starboard side

Port side

This weekends homework is make a start on the cleaning up and painting the locker panels for the forward cabin I brought two of them home with me as I don't think that I will get very far as it will probably be far too cold for painting but if the weather is fine I may be able to get outside and start on removing the old contact adhesive. 

I managed to glue the lining carpet to the port side lockers in the aft cabin and also cut to size the lining carpet for the starboard side of the saloon which will be a job for next week I still have to clean down all the old loose paint and or old adhesive.

Lining on port side aft cabin

Starboard side saloon

You will note the hanging cables the intention is to wrap them with spiral wrap to tidy things up they will then be concealed above head lining panels under the side deck I finished up the day by making a start on wrapping these cables its a bit of a slow laborious job as the spiral wrap comes in 25 metre lengths and it gets tangled and also needs untwisting at regular intervals as the spiral tends to tighten up during the wrapping process I am reluctant to cut it as it is a bit difficult to judge the amount required particularly if the bundle of cables is larger or smaller than the spiral wrap as received usually one is left with it too short or with lots of short offcuts which have no practical use. 

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