Friday, 20 April 2018

Cove line

The first job on Monday was to finish scraping the old cove line tape I tried the Detak chewing gum remover which did seem to help soften the old tape particularly in the areas where it was peeling as it allowed the stuff to get behind the tape and soften the adhesive. Once all the tape had been removed and the moulded in line had been sanded I masked it all up and gave it a coat of Pre-kote primer/undercoat this was followed up on Wednesday morning with a coat of Mauritius blue Toplac. I then went on to complete the wet locker in the heads and fitted the remaining LED strip light.

Light in white mode

Red night vision mode

The red night vision lighting does not show very red for some reason probably something to do with the camera it seemed to work OK for the saloon photographs of the night vision lighting.

To finish up Wednesday I made a start on making good some of the scratches in the topside paint by sanding them and giving them a coat of primer/undercoat I have got about three quarters of the way round the hull so far, the aim is to give them two coats of Toplac and then fair them in with wet and dry sandpaper

The first job this morning was to apply the second coat of paint to the cove line and then remove the masking tape when I masked up the starboard side I was running short of masking tape so I used some chap stuff from the pound shop which allowed some of the paint to leech out under the edge of the tape when the paint has properly hardened i will try and clean up the edge along the moulded line with some wet and dry sandpaper. When I painted over the areas of the topsides that I had previously repaired I should have masked up the lower edge of the sheer strake and I ended up with some over painting along the lower edge so to finish off this week I sanded the lower edge masked it up and gave it a coat of Mauritius blue topcoat to tidy it up and then removed the masking tape.

Port side cove line

This weeks efforts do not seem to show a great deal of progress but painting stripes round the hull is a laborious task by the time it has all been cleaned up then sanded and masked up then a coat of primer/undercoat followed by two topcoats then remove the masking tape and its all done from a ladder so one gets a course of step aerobics thrown in for free. 

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