Friday, 21 September 2018

Engine back up and runing

The first job on Monday was to replace the engine heat exchanger and then connect up the various hoses and then after checking round all the hose connections I filled the cooling system and checked round for any signs of leaks. The next job was to turn the engine over on the starter to complete the priming of the fuel system which was as far as I could go until there was enough water to run the engine. To finish off the day I did a bit more scraping the old Treadmaster adhesive from the cockpit benches.

Port side after scraping contact adhesive

On Wednesday morning I noticed that the domestic water pump was cutting in intermittently which it had never done before, other than when the taps were turned on, on further investigation I found a substantial amount of water in the saloon bilge which when put together with the pump cutting in indicated a leak in the domestic water system. After checking all the joints on the system I found the leak on the elbow for the calorifier relief valve and after removing the relief valve careful examination of the elbow showed a crack in the fitting.

Elbow showing crack

Searching through the odds and ends box I found replacement fitting which was duly fitted and hey presto the domestic water system is back to normal. Again to finish off the day I spent some more time scraping the cockpit benches.

First thing this morning, as the boat was afloat, I started the engine and gave it a good run to check the fuel system which appears to be all OK the idle speed required a minor adjustment to bring it up to the correct setting of 625 rpm. I did a bit more to the cockpit benches until rain stopped play so to finish up the day I came inside and did a further investigation into the wind instruments but to no avail it is a tad difficult without ant form of manual this will be a rainy day job as they are not particularly high on the outstanding job list. Now that the engine is sorted the plan is, weather permitting, to go sailing next week. 

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