Friday, 26 June 2020

Wood and varnish again

I haven't done a great deal this week the aim was to finish varnishing the last of the wood trim and fixing it in place. I started in the aft cabin with pieces to cover the forward and aft end of the locker panels on both sides, the photographs show the port side.

Aft cabin forward end 

Aft end

I then moved on to the long lengths either side of the mast compression post in the saloon, the piece on the starboard side was an exact fit between the clock mount and the compression post which makes picking up the keyhole plate mountings for the clock much easier, this was purely accidental.

Trim either side of compression post

The next move was to finish the trim round the heads internal moulding there is a cover strip over the join between the locker moulding and the sole moulding under the doors. the vertical trim to the left hand side of the doors and finally the trim at each end of the worktop, this part is now pretty much complete.

Heads moulding

The last two pieces were above the windows in the forward cabin they help support the head lining and also originally provide something for the curtain track to be secured to.

I have now used up all of the original hardwood that came with the boat most of it has not been put back in its original position, but I have tried to make the best use of it without too many offcuts. Reuse, recycling or upcycling whatever you want to call it has entailed plugging some of the original screw holes which I think adds to the history well that is what I will claim anyway.

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