Friday, 18 January 2019

Bit of a quiet week

I started off the week with the woodwork to hold the storage box under the sink in the heads it was a bit of a short day and I didn't get very far and also as things stood the box was not going to fit the space as the shower drain pump was in the way, I would need either a smaller box or move the pump so I called it a day and went home.

I started on Wednesday with the intention of sorting the heads storage box however best laid plans and all that a friend came by and by the time we had had a cup of tea it was lunchtime. I did a little bit more woodwork and then went round to his boat for more tea and biscuits by after which it was time to wash up and head off home there is always another day.

First job today was to arrange an electricity supply so that I could have some heating in the boat it was jolly cold this morning. Once that was organised I unbolted the shower drain pump so that I could complete the woodwork for the storage box. Once the woodwork was completed I drilled a couple of new bolt holes for the pump and replaced it, I moved it outboard by half the pitch of the mounting bolts so that I only needed to drill two holes and fortunately the hoses and cables had sufficient slack to allow the move.

Pump replaced and woodwork complete

All done

I spent the rest of the day planning the installation of the 240V shore supply this project had not been a particularly high priority but as the plan is to eventually install a diesel fired heater a means of keeping the batteries fully charged through the winter will be required also most of the rest of the internal work is held up by cold weather at the moment much too cold for painting and glueing.  

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