Friday, 11 January 2019

Galley storage boxes

The plastic storage boxes came with boat they were full of various bits and pieces and as the boat started to come back together they gradually became surplus to requirements but rather than bin them I had been thinking of a possible use for them. After some thought I decided to use them under the galley sink and the heads washbasin these are large awkward shaped spaces and to keep stuff in some semblance of order it will also keep stuff clear of any water which may collect in this area especially as the saloon bilge is quite shallow and when heeled it can run through to these spaces.  I decided to use the said boxes with some timber supports. I started on Monday with the galley under sink area and built up the supports from 2"x 1" softwood.

Timber supports under the galley sink

Storage boxes in place

Should more storage space be required I could probably build another tier either above or outboard of the two boxes.

After looking at the space under the cooker I decided that I could fit a box in this space this required some additional woodwork to prevent the box from damaging the gas pipe which runs through this space which can be seen in the photograph below.

Space under the cooker

Box under the cooker

Today I made a start on the woodwork under the heads washbasin but I didn't get very far as I had run out of timber I had used the timber for the space under the cooker which I had originally intended to leave as a void space, also the guy came to make up the pattern for a new spray hood we had been waiting for a spell of calm dry weather and today was just about suitable.

As far as I got

I will probably only manage one box in this space as it tapers quite sharply towards the forward end.

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