Friday, 15 March 2019

More doors

I started this week by pinning and glueing the edge trim to the steering gear compartment doors and then drilled the holes for attaching the hinges, once this was complete I masked off the white painted area and gave the edge trim on the remaining five doors a first coat of varnish I also put a second coat of varnish on the forward galley locker door.

The first job on Wednesday was to put a second coat of varnish on the remaining five doors followed by the first coat on the teak finger hole liners for these doors, the forward galley door was then put back into position and secured. As the varnish was touch dry on the remaining five doors I finished off the day by fitting the hinges.

First thing this morning I put a second coat of varnish on the teak finger hole liners and then went on to fit the aft galley door.

Galley locker doors fitted

I then moved on to fitting the locker doors in the heads it took a bit of fiddling about to get them lined up.

Heads locker doors

I did think afterwards that there is room for a drawer above the aft door but this would entail moving the switch for the shower drain pump, the black object above the forward door, so that I could fit a dummy drawer front to match the drawer, maybe a job for the future. I then went on to fit the doors to the steering gear compartment in the aft cabin.

Aft cabin doors

After fitting the aft cabin doors I did wonder if they would have been better painted grey, the head lining and the laminate on the top of the compartment is after all grey, the white looks fine in the galley and heads it maybe needs a bit more thought. The first job next week will be to fit the latches to the remaining five doors also the two doors in the aft cabin will require some sort of hold back device to stop them swinging about if the emergency tiller is required. While I am reasonably pleased with the various doors the dyed softwood edge trim is not a good match to the remainder of the hardwood trim used around the boat although it does come somewhere near the teak finger hole liners, which were supplied with the door latches, but even the colour of these does vary a bit they were made in Taiwan probably from odds and ends lying round the factory. 

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