Friday, 1 March 2019

Still in the galley

I started off this week by putting a further coat of varnish on the edge trim on the drawer front panel and the adjacent dummy panel and whilst the varnish was drying I applied three coats of wood dye to the edge trim on the forward locker door. Once the varnish was dry I secured the dummy drawer front and put the drawer in place. I started on Wednesday by pinning and glueing the edge trim to the forward locker door this took a little bit of adjustment to the length of the trim pieces to get a snug fit all round when this was done I gave all the edge trim and the liner for the finger hole a coat of varnish. As it was a warm afternoon the varnish dried quite quickly so I was able to attach the door hinges.

Forward locker door

After attaching the hinges I realised that the 2mm stainless steel that I had planned to use for the packing pieces behind the hinges would not be thick enough so I made some from offcuts of the 4mm thick laminate which had been used to line the bulkheads.

The first job today was to fit the forward locker door I have used 5mm raised head countersunk machine screws with domed nuts on the inside then once the door was fitted and adjusted so that it closed properly I fitted the door catch, once I had adjusted it the door opens and closes quite easily.

Forward door in place

Inside view of door showing the catch

I spent the rest of the day adjusting the edge trim for the aft door before giving it the first coat of wood dye. The plan this weekend is to cut the edge trim for the remaining four doors, the hockey stick profile moulding is a little bit too deep for the 12mm thick doors so each piece requires planing down to suit. Also it is the Kent boat jumble this Sunday, it is not as good as it used to be however it has been a source of one or two gems for this project as they say one man's junk is another man's treasure and there is usually a fair bit of junk/treasure to be seen these days.

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