Friday, 16 August 2019

Fake teak

I put several coats of epoxy on the underside of the heads bilge access hatch and then started with the fake teak, the first stage was to make the edging this is just four pieces mitred together at the corners with some top hat section caulking strip.


The edging is made up of two pieces of Tek Dek the two long sides, and two pieces of Dek King they are slightly different in surface texture but when it has been walked on a few times I doubt the difference will show, One problem with mixing the two is that the tongue and groove does not match very well it leaves a difference in levels on the top surface, however both types are the same thickness so butt joints are not a problem. The next stage was to cut and solvent weld together the pieces for the centre section, this is all Dek King. I always cut the pieces a little over length and then trim down both sides to leave a nice straight edge.

Centre section all trimmed

The two parts were finally brought together ready for glueing to the hatch which I shall do over the weekend as once it has been glued down I shall put lots of weights on to hold the whole lot flat until the adhesive has cured.

All ready for glueing

Just as an aside these days professional installers of this stuff use a welding process to build the panels rather than using solvent weld. I never did get to the masking tape residue on the deck this week the weather was not conducive to outside working that will have to be a task for next week 

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