Friday, 4 October 2019

Back of the chart plotter again

I had originally planned to sail across to the Walton Backwaters this week but by last Sunday the weather was looking decidedly poor with the remnants of hurricane Lorenzo being forecast to be affecting the weather by the end of the week so the plan was cancelled. I did manage a brief trip down the Swale on Monday afternoon, there was only a light breeze, in reality I could have probably got to Walton on Monday and returned today or tomorrow.

Anyhow back to work over last weekend I cut out the opening for the door in the enclosure and cut the edge trim for the door and then painted the back of the door so that it is now ready for final assembly. On Wednesday I did a final fit of the enclosure and then epoxied some wooden blocks to the bulkhead to support the enclosure.

The first task today was to remove the redundant Stowe echo sounder unit from the cockpit bulkhead, I had replaced it with a NASA unit as the Stowe transducer did not seem capable of operating from inside the boat, I then cut out a blank to cover the opening in the bulkhead. I have been thinking of utilising this opening possibly for an extension speaker for the VHF so the blank is sort of semi temporary at the moment its main purpose is to keep out the rain.

Echo sounder opening blanked off

The next move was secure the enclosure to the wooden blocks with screws so that it can be easily removed if required.

Enclosure secured in place

All that is required now is to make up some hardwood trim for the enclosure similar to that already fitted in the saloon, I still have some of the old teak from the cockpit benches on Shuda, my last boat, hopefully there will be enough and then finish off the assembly of the door

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