Friday, 11 October 2019

Still back of the chart plotter

Over last weekend I finished the access door and varnished the edge trim so that on Monday morning I could fit the door and the latch. Also I roughed out some teak for the edge trim around the enclosure ready for final fitting.

Example of the teak from cockpit gratings

The first job this week was to fit the door to the enclosure and then fit and adjust the latch this was made easier because I could remove the enclosure and work from the back. Once the door had been fitted I went on to replace the enclosure before finalising the edge trim I also cut some trim to fit around the top of the enclosure, this was cut from some of the original trim which came with the boat. The edge trim was then fitted and given its first coat of varnish.

View showing edge trim and door fitted

I still have to finalise the edge trim for the outboard side of the enclosure, the bottom section needs to be wider so I will have to go through my stock of used teak. The trim for the top of the enclosure was also given its first coat of varnish, this will be fitted once the varnishing is complete.

The top trim after the first coat of varnish

To my mind the door looks a little on the heavy side, it is made in the same manner as all the other locker doors on the boat but being much smaller leads to it looking a bit on the heavy side particularly the hinges. Also I haven't made up my mind whether or not to put a piece of trim over the junction of the two laminate panels just below the door, I shall give it some thought over the next week or so. This has been another of those short posts that seems which does not seem to reflect the amount of work involved in forming the trim from the old grating parts and its subsequent fitting, woodwork is not my strong point having been trained in iron fighting however I am fairly satisfied with the work so far.

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